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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Food Tech Friday-Wine Organizer 1.0

Today’s tech review is an app that should come standard with any “smart” device. Alas it does not, however, being that it’s free you should absolutely consider downloading this amazingly fun and easy to use app. "WineOrganizer 1.0" is an app by RTL Design, and it allows you to organize your entire wine collection by taking pictures of the labels, and entering in information such as the vintage, the purchase date, the name, a short review, and a 5 star scoring system.

I personally find this app to be extremely handy since you can take snapshots of the labels and recall in an instant what you enjoyed, what you didn’t, and what is or isn’t on your rack at home, while you’re out shopping. It’s a digital little black book of wine.

This app is available in the iTunes store and in the GooglePlay store for download on both iOS and Android operating systems.